Friday, April 27, 2007

All roads lead to Rome

All roads lead to Rome. There’s hundreds of them going to Rome. Why does it have to be like that? Why can’t there be just one road or maybe a predestined one instead of us choosing one?
I have been preparing for this race for the past few years of my teenage life. A race to see who can reach Rome as fast as possible and as safe as possible. The rule? You cannot turn back and start again. I have been trying hard to choose which road to follow in order to win this race. Others seemed to have chosen the route of their own long time ago. But why haven’t I? I tried to look as far down the road as I possible as I could but I can only look that far. I did all the research to help me decide but is it enough? Should I cut through the desert and risk dehydration? Or maybe through the sea and risk drowning? Too much choices but just which one is for me? All roads lead to Rome. There’s hundreds of them. Why does it have to be like that? Why can’t there be just one road or maybe a predestined one? Why do we have to give ourselves a hard time being spoilt for choices? Isn’t it just easier if there is a straight lane without any turns or junctions, built specially for every one of us, just waiting for us to use it when the time is right?
A lot of considerations but still no decision yet.

"takdalah, mana saya pergi rome?"

Time is really running short. Everyone in the race has gotten ready on their road just waiting for the time to come. But I am still deciding. Maybe I should just take the plane. Yes…but what airline? Departing from? Transiting in? Is it safe? What about the service? More stuff that needs to be considered.
The night before the race something popped into my mind. All roads lead to Rome. Yes…ALL roads lead to Rome. No matter what road I take I will still get to Rome. Maybe I shouldn’t be focusing on winning but on the journey itself. It is impossible to plan my road and hope that it will go according as planned. What if a bridge on the way collapsed? Or maybe an earthquake tore the road apart? Maybe that is what turns and junctions are for. For you to change your plans if anything goes wrong. Perhaps if everything is prearranged, no miracles would happen. Roads would not have intersected as all the roads will just be parallel, just like racing tracks. If there’s an obstacle ahead, you can’t cut into other people’s lane and if you can’t overcome the obstacle, you’re doomed.
Maybe I shouldn’t treat it as a race to Rome but small races to Bangkok, then to New Delhi, and Dubai and finally to Rome. Maybe I just don’t dare to make a choice for the fear that I will regret. I’ll just have to make it memorable instead of regrettable. It’s up to me to decide how I should think about this race. Worrying is inevitable but there are other participants too in the race. They will help me if I am in trouble, hopefully. So, so what if I have chosen the worst road to go to Rome? It’s up to me to change it or maybe just be more prepared for it. All I can do is just pray for the best and stay strong.
I am ready for my race now. Are you?

this doesnt go to rome..

p/s I wrote this long time ago before finally deciding to study dentistry...yup, i was under pressure...even now too (from studies)...haih

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


今天很开心。只需要上一个钟头的课。可是,老天好像就是不爽我,结果我在lecture hall里跌倒,还扭到脚(还好是上完课了)。*$%#!! 原本还想到city逛街的我,只好取消念头。在家里温习了一点功课后(我没那么勤劳,要不是有考试,才懒得呢),真的是不tahan了。犹豫很久后,就决定到city买groceries(我的天啊。。我的华文)。4.30pm 到楼下的巴士站搭了巴士到city。


买完东西后,就找吃的。本来,想吃taka的,可是路途中看到一间lebanese的店,就走进去看一看(谁说只有女人善变?哈哈)。看菜单看了老半天后,点了一盘kafta in tray(有饭、茄汁肉丸加番薯和沙拉)。(进入写描写文mode…)在坐着等的当儿,环视了周围,发现那间店铺的设计带有浓厚中东风格。墙壁是粗糙的,就像中东的土房子。墙上也挂着一些古文明的画。看着图中繁忙的码头,衬托着在背景著名的蓝顶回教堂,令我赞叹古中东人的智慧,更欣赏古代回教文明的昌盛(也令我想起死不无聊的回教历史)。店里播放的(应该是)阿拉伯文的歌曲,更增添了那种中东神秘的气氛,真叫人仿佛身在古时的中东。这时,店里唯一的待应生把我点的食物端到桌上。低头一闻,没味道(哈哈…),可是吃起来还真不错。在嘴里咬嚼着热腾腾的茄汁肉丸,真叫人过瘾不过。吃的当儿,抬头看出门外,看到路人匆忙的来来往往,各自赶着回巢,与店里冷清slow-pace的气氛成对比。吃完后,走到柜台欲付钱,但视线却被一些不明食物吸引,看了真是垂涎三尺。问了价钱后(吓了一跳),不惜买下了baklava(honey+cashew饼)。付钱后,便缓慢的走回座位。不愿离开的我,就在当时吃了baklava。吃下baklava,我第一个想起的东西是peanut kuih(忘了叫什么-是不是kuih kochi还是apam balik?)。味道真是笔墨难以形容。松脆的饼皮中带有蜜糖和花生酱,吃下去,嘴里尽是甜丝丝的感觉,令人回味无穷。有点像花生饼/糖,可是没那么干。吃完后,我便依依不舍的离开,带着所有的groceries,搭6.15pm的巴士回家。




Saturday, April 14, 2007

Of holiday, pachelbel and cats

Holidayed for one week and it’s nearly over now. Not really productive I think, well not in my studies anyway. So what did I do, let’s see:
- changed room and my room is currently in a ‘war-torn’ status
- paid the telephone bill
- did my first aid course and got a certificate... quite enjoyed it (but i m still wondering why would you want to lie down a person with injured eye...shouldn't it be elevated?)
- was going to apply for tax file number and working permit but failed
- had some fun with (housemate’s) Wii and Heroes(not the tv series) but seriously distracted me from my work
- got my textbooks from s’pore and my handphone (I lost mine…yes again…this time really lost it) from my dad’s fren from Btu
- tried to study but jus no mood
- resuscitated my blog..hehe

(Uni's starting...jus sick of it..)

Pachelbel's canon in D. Was just reading
someone's blog and saw all these pachelbel video clips. I guess everyone would have heard it before but shouldn't we be sick of it now? Go youtube 'pachelbel rant' and you'll notice there's a lot of songs which uses the same chord. I am already sick of guang liang's tong hua but not pachelbel's canon..weird huh? ok maybe just not time yet...

(that was random...)

Cats were my pets. Had two very cute ones. They play with each other, running around, and did other stuff. One's purple and the other one was blue. One thing i hated was their 'jealousness'. Whenever i feed one of them, the other one would be staring and growling at the cat which i was feeding. I mean, wth, you'll still be fed even though you are not the first one. So what if you are not the first to know or do in everything? You'll still get the same result- get fed by me. Next time they do it, i'll just starve them...muahahaha

(Ok, i didn't have a cat...but it will nice to have two one)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blog Resurrection..

OK, i'm back now...finally..phew...actually i wanted to wait until 1st May and officially start blogging, but that would be too stupid for me to do. Anyways, yup due to high demands i'm resurrecting my blog (reminds me of my first-aid course) and hopefully keep it