Sunday, September 30, 2007
A 60 year old man finds his son love letter and tries to find love again amidst the clutter, a 5 year old boy's first funny feelings inside.This is their ordinary journey. An independent movie by Linus Chung supported by N*KIA.
anyone know what song is the background music from? really familiar...
pART 1
pART 2
i want to watch (starring sharifah amani, daniel lee & 4 non-professional actors)........but i don think can lo...independent movies hard to get
Dunno wat to do now…jus finished work (I suppose I should be sleeping)
super sien can?
Exam’s coming as in comING….noooooooo
Seriously lah sien ok?
Tomoro got mcw meeting…
Just feel like lying on the bed and just go to sleep while leaving everything on (music, lights)..but still hv to brush teeth (sigh..)
MCW that we’ve been planning for so long hv finally arrived…do come ppl if u can
Opening ceremony on Tuesday (2/10)12pm in UWA Guild courtyard
Talent Night on Wednesday (3/10) 7pm? in Utopia
Spring Feast on Thursday (4/10) 7pm? in UWA Guild courtyard
Movie Night on Friday (5/10) 6pm? in UWA LTs
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
全世界不庆祝,独我庆祝也罢。I told myself… Ppl say no atmosphere to celebrate it. It’s not the surrounding which matters( in my case all angmohs (who obviously don’t celebrate it)) but yourself. If you make it special, then it will be special. Anyway it was nothing special – no feeling of 中秋节 until some frens sent sms wishes…started to hv the feeling of CNY, the festive mood where everyone celebrates it together. So dat day, I brought 2 mooncakes to uni to share (I bought four from northbridge- cost me $20 if not mistaken),…so caring rite?or mayb jus the festive mood got the better of me.
ginger, garlic, carrot (cut in restaurant style- got flower one), mushroom
chicken meat
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Tapestry of Culture
brazilian carnival drummer
And there was several awards given out.
After that there was the Irish Riverdance performance. Quite amazing. They really need a lot of strength to dance and you can really see them breathing quite heavily. Go youtube or sth to see samples.
And after that, after much self-encouragement and persuasion, I finally had the courage to ask random people (and some not so random people) to let me take a photo of their cultural costume that they are wearing. Eh, not easy k. I have to sort of stress that it’s the costume I want, and not them so as not to sound like a pervert.
Malay -baju melayu & Thai
Malay/Indonesian-baju kebaya
Chinese-qipao, Japanese-kimono, dress & Indian-saree
And this one, I thought one of them was a cultural dress so I was like ‘so which country is this dress from?’ and she was like ‘oh, this is just a dress’ ‘oh (shit)..*fake laughs…looks cultural though (wth am I saying)…and wat about you?’ points to next person..=.=
Indian & Malay-baju kurung
Indian, Pakistani-Salwar kameez? & Indian
The above photos were put up WITHOUT consent. So if you know any of the people in the photos, DON’T tell them you saw it here (hehe). Or if you happen to see yourself in one of the photos, and wish the photo to be taken off, just leave a message on the comment board. Your cooperation is much appreciated in order to maintain the well-being of this blog (somehow). Thank you.
(Information from wikipedia- THE encyclopedia).
After that, some of us from UWA went to eat dinner at Northbridge. On the way there, took some photos…the city was packed (it’s a Friday night).
Now, ‘wagged’ work coz somehow I got sick…
Sunday, September 16, 2007
刚工作完,心情糟透了,明年就不能和他一起值班,没人送我到vic park transfer station等bus,没人给我那么多自由给我用自己的方法做好我的工。不要辜负他!
陈家凯-《我可以看见》给我repeat 到腻了,可是找不到更适合心情的歌了。他不再出歌了。。转到幕后了。遗憾 。。
还是照样要念。。。还有20个lecture 要念,两天给我赶。
Friday, September 14, 2007
And I found this blog. He’s a photographer, wedding photographer to be exact. So cool. Makes you want to
Anyway, cooked this:
Nestum Butter Prawns…
Wat? Brag oso cannot meh?
To cook,
Nestum (if you don’t have this you can stop reading this post and get back to whatever you are suppose to be doing like STUDY)
(or you can jus substitute it with garlic and cook Garlic Butter Prawn)
Sugar and salt to taste
Prepare the prawn. I bought cooked ones. I think uncooked ones better cause you’ll get more taste in.
don't simply think can...
Heat butter. Fry egg. Make sure you scramble your eggs until it’s very fine. (I still cant figure out how they can make it like coconut shreds)
Pour in Nestum and fry.
Put in prawn and fry until the smell ‘keluar’ (come out). Make sure you cook the prawns well.
Add sugar and salt to taste
shot by reflecting the flash towards the ceiling...not too bright, not too dark..:)
Filled yourself with love.
And make sure ask someone to clean up for you.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The following is a random story that i have been wasting my time on. I have the english version but it's quite sh*t to be posted up.
‘你少做梦。’ 我轻轻的推了她的头。
没想到他中四那年转来我们的学校,就喜欢他了,相信很多其他女生也一样 。不是不是,我只是仰慕,还是仰慕,哪里可能喜欢他。他是。。。他叻。
从别人听说过,他有大志。那就是在学校社立一个华乐团。他常埋怨传统华乐渐渐被遗忘,还说希望我们的学校可以成立这县最优秀的华乐队。在他的耳濡目染之下渐渐喜欢了华乐。可是他并不是光说而已。还记得他曾好几次举办了华乐演奏会,邀请了州内州外著名的团体与音乐家前来表演。虽然有几次反应都不怎么热烈,可是他都不气馁。真的被他的坚决、与大志所感动。人应该有梦想,才有存在的意义。 我也要像他一样。有时很想提起勇气对他说‘干的好。我会永远支持你的。需要什么的话,尽管开口,我愿意帮。’可是我就是天生胆小如。。。
‘sry. hv 2 wait 4 my mum. Will b 15 mins l8. I’ll buy lunch:).’
‘不好意。等我妈下。会迟十五分。 午餐我请:)’
‘对不起,迟了点。原本想请你吃午餐赎罪。可是看来你已经吃了,那就too bad 咯。’
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Holidaying now…but sadly got an exam coming up
Ok I know u all also hv exam but mine is harder ok…no, no…jus shut up, mine's the hardEST…
Merdeka celebration
Was held on 8 Sept , a week after the actual merdeka day. I think coz the consulate was having an official one, so they didn’t want to interfere with it…or that’s wat I thought it is.
Sigh, since picture tell a thousand words, and since i m lazy to type (hv been typing like mad to finish my group work )
Thursday, September 06, 2007
sad sad story
Got a lecture on special needs dentistry the other day. It’s quite a new specialisation in Australia and jus only started in 2002. It deals with the oral heath of disabled people- intellectually, physically, mentally, medically and psychologically. So, it’s not only the disabled people but also the old people and even young children that falls in this group. However, it’s sad to know that general dental practitioners are not capable of handling that group of people.
He showed photos of old people in old folks home who all had very poor oral health because they can’t brush their own teeth and the nurses are often too busy to do it as they ‘apparently’ have more important things to do. So their teeth start to rot and decay until unimaginable state, pass the 'point of no repair'. Everyone in class was really shocked to all the pictures- some had pus covering the whole tooth, some might have even decayed so much that you can jus pull out using your finger (normally you need pliers and muscle).
only roots left
Sadly though, even the latest biggest old folks’ home in WA (somewhere near UWA) does not have a dental surgery room.
It made us really wonder why this is happening. Apparently, some dentists are not really into the 'helping people' thing. They are just more concerned with their money. It’s a fact though, like one of my friends said, that dentistry is now regarded as a cosmetic industry. But it’s not. Did you know that oral examination is paid the lowest ($20-30) but a normal tooth extraction can cost three times as much? So I suppose some dentists prefer to just ignore that and do whatever they need to do (extract, crowning, braces) regardless whether the mouth is healthy enough. I mean, since you are working on a patient, you might as well and should (by law) to check their general oral health. This is how small thing gets worse.
The lecturer told us (not in class though, after the lecture when some of us went to talk with him about the issue after class) about a dentist who saw this patient whose teeth are already beyond treatment and he just gave up. He (my lecturer) actually went to complain this to the Australian Dental Association but they sided the dentist. He then went to court to sue this dentist and only then they apologised (how true this is I don’t know). But the issue of special needs dentistry in Australia is still very controversial as some of them are not wiling to accept it. In the whole of Australia, only Melbourne and one other uni which I forgot offer this specialisation course, and in UWA the amount of lectures on this specialisation (we learn all the basics of all the specialisations) is jus five hours in five years. It’s quite sad.
Thanks to medicine, people now are able to live much longer but the medicine people never actually look into how they are going to sustain these people (thanks again!). In the old days, they would just die and the problem will be solved, but now we have to take care of these old sick people. I am not saying that they should die, but there’s not enough manpower and knowledge to actually take care of them. Even though there are courses offered to teach the nurses to take care of the old people’s oral health, most of them still can’t. And now with old people having their own teeth instead of fake teeth like how it would be twenty years ago, oral health is just so much harder to take care.
plaque (yellow stuff on your teeth) on dentures (fake teeth)
So now the latest news is the labour party is trying to allow (as in legally allow) dental technicians to make prosthetics because dentists don’t seemed to care. But the problem is they can’t diagnose!
So how did my lecture got into this activistic thing? He, being bored of what he see in the clinic (mild dental problems), actually went to Tibet to look for more interesting (read: serious), and when he showed us the pictures, mind you, they are ‘interesting’. But when he got back to Australia, and was asked to visit an old folks' home one day, he was shocked that the same thing (if not worse) is happening in Australia and it’s just 300 metres away from his office. So now, he takes one day off to visit these homes, with his portable dental clinic in a (travel) bag (he brought it but didn’t show us what’s inside- apparently there’s everything-mirror, lights, cutting instruments, anaesthetics and the only thing that he cant bring is amalgam packer-but he uses GIC). That’s how he got started. Anyway, apparently there’s only one other person that does the same thing as him in WA.
tooth decay on the roots of teeth
My lecturer tried to make this (special needs dentistry) a unit on it’s own but sadly got rejected. He and another of my lecturer tried to do something (I think it was something like having fifth years or forth years to visit the old folk’s home weekly and give them examination and cleaning along with nurses and therapists).It seemed like he’s sort of in a losing battle.
It was a sad but inspiring lecture. We (represented by one of the students) even thanked him for making us realise how important and serious it is.
When we asked him what we can do, he just asked us to pass and graduate. Then when we are in practice make sure we do proper and thorough examination and not be blinded by money.
And my message to you all, clean you teeth PROPERLY.