----------------------------THE LINE---------------------------
Last few week ago, I got Jolin’s new album 特务J (Agent J) and thought it was so-so ok. Same old her with her own singing style and the same feeling that her songs always bring. Not bad. Some people thought her new company didn’t really do her any justice with the songs they chose for her. (A few of them are written by M’SIAN lyricists and composer…woohooo)
You’ve seen this MV –特务J (Agent J)
(Insert video here ..too lazy to find)
But did you know there’s a whole movie behind it. That was just part of her latest MUSIC MOVIE (yes MOVIE, not video) TRILOGY (yes I know, insane). According to wikipedia,
the expenses for Jolin's album "Agent J" took 50,000,000 Taiwan dollars (1,513,179.80 USD), filming in Paris, England and Thailand and taking dance lessons in Europe, Taiwan, and USA. Jolin had learn pole dancing and aerial ribbon dancing for a music video for her album "Agent J". Jolin learnt the moves within 10 days of intense training, almost paralysing her right arm. The deluxe version of the new album contains a three-part music movie featuring popular Korean actor Kim Jae Won and Hong Kong stars Stephen Fung and Carl Ng. Metronome, Tacit Violence, Priceless, and Golden Triangle are all written by Jolin herself.
SO, being me, I wasted a whole hour watching it on youtube and another two
OMG…incredible!!! And OMG….if only all of you can understand what’s she’s saying in all the clips…it’s so meaningful and deep…I would translate everything…BUT I got exam to study…=.=’’’
Last warning!!!!
----------------------------THE LINE---------------------------
And now, just relax and forget about all your studies (for now)
For you viewing and listening pleasure:
(Remember it’s not meant to be a movie. It’s just an extra long MV.)
特务J音乐电影首部曲- 特务的宿命
Agent J Music Movie Trilogy I- The fate of an Agent
Part 1
沒有過去,沒有記錄的迷樣特務J(蔡依林飾演),以冷酷的槍法、矯健的身手,執行沒有 檔案的機密任務;接到指令,特務J最新的任務,就是要去刺殺一直在追蹤自己的專業保鑣 S(金載沅飾演),執行任務的那一刻,特務J跟蹤S到一個天台,當S轉身見到J的真面 目,臨死前,卻露出了令人熟悉的微笑,同時特務J也完成了任務,也槍殺了自己的過去與 愛情.....特務的宿命.....
Shot in Paris. Agent J (蔡依林JOLIN), brainwashed and having no recollection of her past, and was trained to kill. Her latest task was to kill S (金载沅KIM JAE WON), who had been following her. One day, she followed him to a rooftop to kill him. However, just he before he was killed, he turned around and gave a very familiar smile to her. She accomplished her mission, but also murdered her own lover…
Featuring her song:特务J (Agent J)
Part 2
自從特務J槍殺了S之後,S臨死前那熟悉的笑容,常常縈繞在特務J的腦海中,於是特務 J決定開始調查追蹤S是誰,在S的公寓裡,特務J發現自己竟然是兩年前忽然失蹤的少女 ,原來這兩年S心痛不已,一直在巴黎等著那個他深愛的女孩再度出現,他並不知道其實被 秘密組織綁架的特務J,早已被洗腦訓練成為一名特務....諷刺的是,S被特務J槍殺 的那個天台,也是當初少女與S約定見面的同一個天台,美麗的約定,卻是死亡的再會。
After killing S, Agent J still can’t seemed to forget his familiar smile. Further investigation soon lead her to realize that she was his long-lost lover. He had been looking all over for her ever since he saw her, but he never realize that the girl he saw was no longer the old her. The place that he was killed was the place that both of them had agreed to meet again. A beautiful rendezvous but a meeting with death.
Featuring:怕什么(Fear-Free) which this is also the MV itself
The rest I will jus give a brief outline, if it’s not obvious enough, since I don’t have anything to translate from.
特务J音乐电影二部曲 - 记忆的裂痕
Agent J Music Movie Trilogy II- Memory fissure (sounds weird)
Part 1
Shot in England. He (Stephen Fung冯德伦)met her, and when fate brought them together again, they fell in love…
(Somehow translating what they said sound crude in English, so I gave up.)
Featuring: 桃花源 (Ideal State)
If you believe in fate, any coincidence is pre-destined.
If you don’t, any destiny is just purely coincidence. (omg, what poor translation)
Part 2
Unbeknownst to him and her, both of them had a secret.
Featuring:日不落(Sun Will Never Set)
Taking the risks of falling in love with the wrong person is still better than giving the love up because of doubt.
Part 3
Featuring: 节拍器(Metronome) which is also the MV
Stopping at the time when love had taken place is the only prescription to a heartbreak, with the hope that one will be complete with that love he or she once had.
I hope my memories will not be erased again, even though it’ll just bring back the pain (of losing him) to me.
特务J音乐电影三部曲 - 幻觉的信仰
Agent J Music Movie Trilogy III- Illusory belief
Part 1
Last but not least. Shot in Bangkok and Pattaya. Vince (Carl Ng吴嘉龙- the guy in the hair lost advertisement..) and Agent J were lovers but were separated.
Featuring: 金三角(Golden Triangle)
I will love you forever.
Part 2
She saved him, she went out to buy medicine but was followed. So she asked him to meet her at Pattaya. He went out to fight again and became injured again.
A bit 神经错乱(crazy) like watching 粤语片(canto series) then switched to 台湾偶像剧(Taiwanese idol series) and back again.
Part 3
He was asking her to take out a microchip from his body…and he died. Fin
Love is my belief, but it’s purely just an illusion/ thought.
Anything to declare? No. and she thought to herself: yes, my love.
Not bad rite…now enough relaxing time…get back to study
Liong liong liong..LOL
u got jolin agent J new album arh?? when u got one?? can i copy from u?? hAHahs...
I so wanted to listen the rest of her songs...LOl
all her songs sound so nice now to me...can, can...after exams i send to u lah...can wait gua?...o.O
of course can wait. HAHAs...n u have to give me the pink 3 bag too. HAHAs ;p
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