Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wk 9 (i need proper titles)

Failed my two attempts in drilling a his mom's tooth in a dummy-patient’s mouth…crap…last yr I can do it with flying light speed travelling colours…feel like detaching the whole jaw…muahahah
Health care is like gambling. You are trying to cheat the casino and trying to win by tipping the odds in favour to you.- my lecturer

Crazy hot…today…even my clothes feels warm after I shower...fan me, fan

D-day is 8/3…三八妇女会

I going back to work tomoro..travelling time from house to work- one hour

Yea…hopefully can get international mentees tomoro….6 inters…4 from m’sia this yr ..woohoo…3 gals btw…lol

Excited! Excited! Excited! Abt tomoro not election…


Anonymous said...

what girls arh!! LOL...liong changed...Lol

may here

yataolong said...

LOL...i was deciding on whether to write 1 guy only or 3 gals...the former would sound gay...so ya. I didnt change...

Anonymous said...

