Monday- woke up to go to lecture even though it’s Labour Day.Had 4 hours of lectures for one unit. I slept a lot in the lecture coz I didn’t get enough from the night before (wedding). Lunch break then another four hours lecture for one unit. I slept a lot there as well. I think in total I slept more in the lecture than I did the night before. Couldn’t go to the lab to get pliers coz the nurses are on holiday.
Tuesday- had a lecture then went to clinic for caries risk assessment. We had to spit out saliva to do some tests on them, then had the teeth coloured to see plaque. Then rush back to another lecture before lunch. After that I had the afternoon off coz my group wasn’t rostered in the lab session. So a lot of us went to the other section of the lab to do lab work that is due soon. And we had to pack up before 2pm coz that’s when the 1st yrs come in for their lab. And I pretty much wasted the rest of the afternoon. Good thing I manage to bend the wire during lunch, coz I also pretty much wasted my night doing nothing.
Wed- had a lecture then went to lab for 3 hours bending wire- much easier this time coz the wire’s thinner- damn proud of myself when the tutor saw it and said 10/10- but I still hv 4 more to go before the next session. Then after lunch, we went to the hospital in the city for lecture. 3 hours-on diabetes, endocrine disease and hepatobilliary disease (I cant even pronounce it properly). Then badminton from 7.30- 10.30 –had a good time sweating out- I suck – went with a fren; met old frens; made new fren- and I need more exercise.. TRIED to view a powerpoint on ‘radiographs’ but failed- ended up in facebook.
Thurs- woke up to a lecture which I partly slept thru. Then went to lab to drill teeth for crowns. Did ok, stuff up some areas, nothing major. Then went for a radiography tutorial. Fairly interesting tutor. Then went home. Spent the whole night trying to reshuffle the 21GB of stuff (notes, lectures, exams papers) upper years gave us. And the whole night was lost again.
Fri- 2 hours of lecture, then 1 hour break (which we spent in the lab), then to the pharmacology lecture for 2 hours, 1 hr lunch break then pathology lab and lecture. Loving pathology- at first but now…. Fresher’s welcome on- housemates had few frens over for pre’s. I had beer which I dont quite like. so now I am going off- to get myself not drunk- to see what other people to get themselves drunk. Sorry I jus don’t believe in alcohol. Went home early, without a sip of alcohol. And now it’s 1am. My housemates are still at the place- talking to some postgrad student about ortho. And I’m dead tired. Sleepy.
Sat- woke up at 10. Played around(read: did nothing). Had meatballs from IKEA with instant noodle. Then finally got myself down to do some serious work after 40 mins of HIMYM. Jus when I was so engrossed in typing my notes, I jus realized I need to be at work at 5 and not 5.30. So I rush like mad, good thing there was a bus coming soon-ish and I got there on time. Work was boring-as usual. Got back at around 11pm, talked to my housemates about dentistry (exams and cramming), language (how I would love to be an interpreter), dancing, how my year don’t share their notes. Which reminds me of a conversation I had about how money may become a drive when we’re out practicing, despite the initial noble intention – the greater good of population’s health. How ortho is so much easier compared to other specialization coz ur patient’s would be highly motivated, their mouth would be healthy when u see them and you’ll be earning big bucks. Now I’m downloading slumdog millionaire OST. Some of them are jus awesome! Again, I should go sleep.
Sunday- went to church. After that had lunch- mee pok- which was crap at this place near Winthrop shopping centre. Service was awful. We (well me) cant be bother, so we wrote our own order and gave the list to the boss. And we had to wait forever for the food to come out. I was THIS close to walking into the kitchen and cooking it myself. And the food is not even that nice. And it took forever to bring us the bill. I took the liberty of collecting the money and then going to the boss and demanded the bill. Damn dodgy la.. Didn’t do much after that. Ate subway for dinner in my backyard. It was a good break away from the house, staring the laptop/books. Then I cycled to IGA, thoroughly enjoyed the trip away from home. Bought fruits. Now I’m TRYING to read my lab manual which is very very very very very boring. And I still have a few video demo to go thru before my lab tomorrow. AND review my notes in second year on how to give an injection (LA). AND I’M FREAKIN SLEEPY!!!!