Tuesday, July 01, 2008


My dad’s side of the family (aunts, grandma and my dad) can speak Fuchow, some Teochew (my aunts), hokkien (my dad) and some Iban (&Melanau?) fluenlty.

My mom’s side of the family(aunts, grandparents, uncle & my mum) can speak Canto, Hokkien, Hakka fluently(so u can kinda imagine a CNY reunion when they all and their spouses start talking in diff dialects).

Me and my siblings speak ‘pun-tang-zui’ (half-tank-full) hokkien, ‘ni-giang-ngiang’(a little bit- actually more like to none) fuchow, ‘boleh-tahan’ punya malay, understandable english, and mostly mandarin. I feel like a banana sometimes. (and I was trying to count in Fuchow jus now…embarrassing)

(edit:10/7 after being inspired by ZEWT’s post)

And now my dominant language has somewhat started to shift to English…which is VERY BAD!!!!!! Coz -I am a chinese, went to Chinese primary school, studied Chinese language up to form 5 (don play-play), listen to Chinese songs all my life, speak nothing but Mandarin to everyone around me (ok, except malay to some)…and now it’s starting to shift to English after 2.5 yrs…so how do u determine what is your dominant language- if u only speak one language (duh..), u talk to urself (in ur mind and out loud) in that language, u dream using that language(this is a bit harder to determine).

jus sth random...

if i wasnt doing dentistry, i don mind doing linguistics...or sth along those lines...interesting how languages evolve, their influences on other languages, and origins of words (eg when someone sneeze and u say BLESS YOU, is due to the epidemic or sth of some disease which happened long time ago and sneezing was one of the symptoms to this disease. So you bless them so that they wont have that fatal disease...and is still practised until today; how the name Japan came about; english ketchup comes from canto ke chup etc)...

and i must say

Chinese language is soooooo beautiful.....(the word 'chinese' will continue to refer to the madarin, the language unless specified). I was never good in chinese from primary school...got a B in UPSR (hvnt seen that word for a while)...somehow things changed in secondary school...no idea what sparked it...but i think i was trying to write good essays, so you know, we memorised words/phrases which can used in factual essays (like in malay, u use words like: kebejatan sosial, zaman pasca-kemerdekaan, guru kencing berdiri murid kencing melari, visi kudsi 2020 etc in every essay...and u blame everyone-government, media, parents, school for everything bad that's happening)...and i supposed by reading a lot you kinda improved...and memorising proverbs(ming ju) exposed, well, me personally to the colourful poems of old time...and old chinese language comprehension...but now everything return to teacher luu...actually admire those who did STPM chinese...terror...

i'm currently watchign shen diao xia lv

i know, very the random-ness

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