Friday, October 24, 2008

wk 43

ya i know..there i go again with my word-heavy post...

monday: did injections on each other...freaky, my hands were shaking like mad the first time i went it, but the second i injected it was ok (despite the fact that i might have given my fren muscle ache coz i pierced through the huge muscle in that area instead of avoiding it) right of the mouth was pretty much numb for 3 hours, when i drink water, only one side feel the cold, the other side feels swollen and as if i cant close properly. and when ppl smile it's loopsided.

this week is my last week for my drilling prac- 12 hours. can feel fear, pressure and adrenaline pumping in the whole lab as everyone's drilling as much as they can to practice.
tuesday(3 hours): cant remember wat i did- few class V amalgam prep, one classic class III amalgam prep
wednesday(6 solid hours in lab): 41 mesial Class III prep, 47 MOD prep, 26 class I occ-li prep,
thurs(3 hours-totally psyched up): 14 MOD prep, pack 14 MOD, pack a 26 DOL+mesial pit, 11 mesial Class III prep
most amount of stuff ever i did in these few days
now all that's left is the prac exam next week- 9 hours (3 sessions)- everyone's totally stressing out and saying they'll most prob repeat 2nd yr again...and eveyrone's speculating and predicting what' going to come out...well we'll know soon enough...

i'm very tired-- been waking up at 6 to do my group assignment- next up is a techinician instruction sheet and it will be over by next week- starting to feel worried that eveyone's starting to study already whereas i'm still here typing all this stupid useless stuff. really unmotivated. sigh~~~~

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