Saturday, October 04, 2008


normal rambling...nothing interesting...dont waste ur time

Just finished my tax return claim...feeling quite sh*t+tired+lost+overwhelmed+doubtful+hysteric+etc these few days…crazy cramming didn’t help…thank god radiography test went ok…easier than I expected. I was fully stressed about it, as I only started studying 4pm the day before (after an awesome bbq). So stressed that I even went to buy coffee, ‘Mother’, ‘V’ and prunes jus to get my brain fired up. Totally feeling shit and cursing my way thru the night asking why I didn’t study earlier and how am I going to get thru this…I end upsleeping a bit too much more than what I planned ( 4 +hrs) so I ended up cramming 3 chapter (70 pages?) in 1.5 hr before rushing out in the morning…the next day I had a prac test which went better than I expected and when I got back my result, it was a conditional pass (I had to improve on it before getting a pass) and the freaking amalgam filling is getting onto my nerves…then the test on Thursday, thankful that someone mentioned to us this online self-assessment quiz coz the test paper was totally the same…(but I still didn’t get 100, hving done it an hr before the test)…then the interview…damn nervous…overall went ok, explored her feelings, situation, a bit jumbled up, but summary should be good enough…only one thing, I didn’t introduce my name and ask hers…=.=’’’...had kfc's favourites bowl a lunch- that was the only fun thing the whole

Cell group’s not fun anymore…I think I got too familiar with them…having such a cell leader obviously didn’t help (sarcastic, bossy, queen-of-the-world attitude)… and the fact everyone is so bubbly and oh-so enthusiastic disgust me…my focus changed quite a bit from when I joined them to now… coming with reluctance (and un-open-hearted-ness) and going home feeling emptier than when I came…and I think I’ve sort of drifted away from Him…got quite confused with some stuff which I seriously cant be bother trying to look deeper at this time…

I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to use this short weekend to prepare for my 3 test, mcw and my own life.

I’ve fallen asleep a few times this week with everything still on my bed, not brushing my teeth, lights still on…jus too tired to be bothered...

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