Sunday, June 17, 2007

let's count..

Teacher says:
'Morning class. Today let's revise counting from 1-10. Let's count how many engineers are there in this picture. They are the ones wearing the fugly party hats and holding achohol bottles. Make sure you include those on the floor half-dead and not the ones sleeping soundly or trying to study. Let's count together.'
Class says:
1 n-g-near, 2 n-g-nears, 3 n-g-nears.......

Ok. STudY tIMe.=.= so sleepy.-(so dead.


Anduz said...

Teacher says:
'Morning class. Today let's revise counting from 1-10. Let's count how many dentists are there in this picture. They are the ones not wearing anything and holding knifes. Make sure you include those on the floor half-dead and the ones trying to study each other's teeth by pashing. Let's count together.'
Class says:
................*too busy drinking*

yataolong said...

rofl...naked dentist...u're weird man...

Anduz said...

yea i know coz i'm a n-g-near

yataolong said...

errr...o.O..oook...watever makes u happy, n-g-near...lionel,i m moving out.