Few things,
Perth International Festival brochure is out- go grab it- at ur nearest news agency for free!
There’s a few interesting (and free) event happening next yr…
Exams- first one done. Not too bad I reckon. It’s worth like 16% but it’s a barrier exam (as in you hv to pass to pass the unit to pass the yr).
Kiwi- I theorise?/postulate?/hypothesise? the part furthest from the stalk where it joins the tree (or is it bush) is the sweetest. So how would you make it all sweet.
1. eliminate the stalk. Smart but impossible. FAIL
2. it will be good if the fruit can rotate while it’s growing. Not smart and not possible. FAIL
3. if all fail, jus share (the sour part) with someone…
Ferrero Rocher- Don’t even know why it’s so freakin expensive. It’s not even that nice. Even kit-kat is nicer. I think it’s because people give it as a present coz it looks classier. And since it looks classier and is in demand and it has established a brand, it’s more ex. I bet one day when people stop buying them, the price will go down. Same goes for other branded stuff eg THAT mp3 player, THAT game console, THAT hand bag, THAT car….
SPM- a distant past- which has nothing to do in my life, like, anymore…but we were all worrying about it and stuff, trying to get super good result. Well I suppose you need those super good results to go somewhere, but I mean…errr…ok, I don’t know what I’m saying. Anyway, my sis taking it..wohoo..lol..
Yasmin- cant wait to go back and watch all her movies- Sepet, Gubra, Mukhsin, Muallaf (jus released in s’pore) and Talenttime(jus finish shooting)… having gotten so many awards world-wide...and she has a nice blog
Quite obvious I’m procrastinating here…
No wonder they say in third yr u’ll start to hate everyone in your year. JUS because i) u’ve seen them enough ii) they know how to get onto ur nerves when they need to iii) they know you too well to care how you think…
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