Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Why why why…out of so many lectures that I can skip I chose those four lectures. And then come out so many questions…like 15% of the whole paper? 4 lectures out of 39 lectures. Sigh…note to self…never skip any lecture notes…it’s risky…better know (like my friend wrote) how: alpha subunit activates adenyl cyclase-which causes ATP to form cyclicAMP-which then gives up its catalytic subunit to proteinkinaseA-which blah blah blah-and-results in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase-carrying out-gluconeogenesis crap (if i knew that i think i could've at least answer like 5 questions)…..than having to write stuff like: the PEPCK (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) phosphorylates enzymes which are involved in gluconeogenesis. It also upregulates gene expressions for other enzyme that are involved in gluconeogenesis and inhibits gene expressions for enzyme that are involved in glycolysis. It's like saying: apple is a fruit. it is not a vegetable. Fruit is not the same as vegetable.

FAIL…but I hope I’ll still pass the unit…fingers crossed


顿时想吃福建面,去买了材料。煮时候却计算错误。其实也不是,是自己贪吃,加一大堆材料进去,结果原本想煮两餐,变成四餐。好啦,明天不必煮。还好煮得还不错,不然真的会要我死。。。两天吃一样的东西。。。还有,以后不要炒煮面加蛋,每次煮都煮到很烂。不是煮到像煎鸡蛋那样一块一块的,就是煮到yat pek si 那样。有没有高师可以传两招过来的?


Summer now I think…daytime getting longer and longer…nightfall is getting later and later…7 pm is still like Sarawak 6.00pm like that (Semenanjung 6.30pm?)…and I hate the flies… now like 24 hrs open my windoor (unlike in winter...so cold, can freeze ah)...

Ohya…during exam it was so noisy…know why?......

It’s peacock mating season now….lol…too bad I came late this morning, apparently one of the peacock spread opened its (er..) fan-tail…and to think they mate among themselves (there’s only like 5-6 of them…and I think they’re all in a family)…that’s why u get the rare albino peacock (I think there’s two, is it?)

Oh…got small duckling around the Winthrop pond already if u didn’t notice…quite cute

and why do i write all this down?....for the fear of losing my memory one day, and forgetting everything that was me...

Study study...

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